A Walk in the Woods

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    Minecraft Server


    Posts : 81
    Join date : 2011-09-02
    Age : 33
    Location : Canada

    Minecraft Server Empty Minecraft Server

    Post by DarkShadow14 Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:11 pm

    Current IP
    Port: 25565
    Status: Down
    Minecraft Version: 1.8.1
    Bukkit Version: 1185
    Official Minecraft Map: Disabled

    Cool Minecraft Texture Packs
    Corocraft [16x16]
    Puffy Lines [16x16]
    Forgotten Lands [16x16]
    Foliacraft [16x16]
    Charliecraft [16x16]

    AdminCmd v5.8.1 - Enabled
    Purpose: Gives players use of console commands.

    /day - sets time to day
    /time pause - pauses time

    /i - "/i dirt 64 DarkShadow14" - gives DarkShadow14 64 dirt blocks
    /kit - "/kit Warrior DarkShadow14" - gives DarkShadow14 predefined items from the warrior kit
    /who - lists all players currently online
    /clear - empties your inventory
    /msg - "/msg DarkShadow14 Sssss… BOOM!" - sends PM to DarkShadow14 with contents Sssss… BOOM!
    /nopickup - "/nopickup DarkShadow14" - en/disables item pickup
    /roll - "/roll 14" - DS14 rolled 14-sided dice and got 3 or w/e
    /fly - "/fly 0.9 DarkShadow14" - DS14 flys at speed of 0.9. Default speed is 1.75

    /spawn - teleports you to world spawn point
    /tp - "/tp DarkShadow14" - teleports you to DS14
    /tl - "/tl 10 500 -38" - teleports you to coordinates (10 left/right, 500 feet in the air, -38 up/down)
    /sethome - "/sethome pimpshack" - sets current location to home "pimpshack"
    /home - "/home doghouse" - sends you to your "doghouse" home if you "/sethome doghouse" somewhere before
    /listhomes - gives you a list of all your homes
    /cwp - "/cwp Pit" - creates a warp point called pit at your location
    /twp - "/twp Pit DarkShadow14" - teleports DS14 to warp point Pit

    /wclear - clears the weather Very Happy
    /wrain - "/wrain 11" - it will rain for 11 minutes

    /mob - "/Spider 12" - spawns 12 spiders 0.o

    /ex - "/ex 10" - extinguishes fire within radius of 10. Max range is 50
    /undo - undoes previous /ex command

    Multiverse v2.0 b210 - Enabled
    Purpose: Allows us to have several different worlds running at the same time.

    Commands: Check the link

    Mob Arena v0.94.1 - Enabled
    Purpose: So we can have waves upon waves attack us in our custom arenas

    Player Commands:
    /ma join or /ma j - Join the arena if only one exists.
    /ma join or /ma j - Join the arena with the specified name.
    /ma leave or /ma l - Leave the current arena, or the spectator area.
    /ma spectate or /ma spec - Spectate the arena if only one exists.
    /ma spectate or /ma spec - Spectate the arena with the specified name.
    /ma arenas - Get a list of all arenas. Green names are enabled, gray names are disabled.

    Arena Setup Commands:

    Elevators v1.4.3 - Enabled
    Purpose: Gives players the ability to create there own elevators.

    Check link for full description on making an elevator. Basic commands are below.
    /create - creates a new elevator at your current position
    /remove - removes an existing elevator from your current position
    /call - creates a new floor with the given Floorname
    /up - creates a new UpBlock, right-click to select block after command
    /down - creates a new DownBlock, right-click to select block after command

    HeroicDeath v1.9.1 - Enabled
    Purpose: Entertainment
    Commands: None

    NaturalGiants v1.3 - Enabled
    Purpose: Randomly generates gigantic monster that take over the world.
    Commands: None

    Permissions Bukkit v1.2k - Enabled
    Purpose: To stop stupid people from doing stupid shit… like constantly /stop -ing the server haha
    Commands: Too important to disclose

    SecretDoors v0.2 - Enabled
    Purpose: Gives players the option of being able to hide their treasure in the sneakiest of places
    How To:
    1. Place a door
    2. Cover front of door using any two blocks
    3. Click on either of the two blocks to use secret door

    Tesla Coil v2.2.3 - Enabled
    Purpose: To create iron rods(aka a stack of iron blocks) that are charged with electricity and will kill any mob that gets to close
    Commands: Check link for instructions.

    TieDyeSheep v0.1.1 - Enabled
    Purpose: To have hippie sheep Smile
    Commands: None

    IMPORTANT NOTE: These are not ALL of the commands. They are just the ones that I think are the most useful. Click the links to see more.

      Current date/time is Sun May 19, 2024 4:44 pm